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Newsletter archives for the-piano-studio.com

newsletter archives

Newsletter Archives

Here are newsletter archives (PDFs) of our FREE monthly newsletter ‘Piano Matters’ from the-piano-studio.com. Haven’t subscribed yet? Click here to sign-up. Then look for our newsletter in your inbox at the end of the month!

The newsletter lets you know what’s happening in the piano studio this month, has sneak peeks of what you can find on the-piano-studio.com website, mini-lessons, and short articles about piano and music.

It’s a great way to stay in touch!

By the way, I value your privacy. Your e-mail will never be sold to a third-party.

the-piano-studio.com Newsletter Archives



Contains the following topics: Pattern Play, Piano Pedagogy Seminar, Inside Matters, Sight Reading


Contains the following topics: Oscar Peterson, RCM Theory, RCM Examination dates, The Art of Legato Pedaling


Contains the following topics: Summer Blues, Wendy Stevens Interview, 40-Piece Challenge, Seymour Bernstein, and Learning a New Piece


Contains the following topics: Settling into the routine, 40-piece challenge (2016- 2017), Quote of the month, Music Alphabet Blocks


Contains the following topics: October at the studio, Music speaks quote, NEW Music Blocks, Staying Healthy


Contains the following topics: November at the studio, John Williams, A Romance on Three Legs, and the Art of Accompanying


Contains the following topics: December at the piano-studio, Shakespeare, inspiration from your environment, how to play a lead sheet, and exam tips

january 2017 newsletter

Contains the following topics: Looking back, looking ahead, More than just a teacher, How to Play a Lead Sheet, Exam Tips, SMART goals

february 2017 newsletter

Contains the following topics: Forrest Kinney interview, what’s in YOUR music bag, Inspiration from Abstract: the Art of Design, and Practising: the magic of 5 boxes

march newsletter

Contains the following topics: March at the-piano-studio, dealing with ebbs and flows in practice, the art of constructive criticism, getting kids to practice update, good better best, 40 piece challenge mini-vacation

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